These features are rounded out by an array of useful enhancements, such as the improved ARA 2 integration with Cubase and Nuendo, VST 3 plug-in support and much more. Other new automated processes include click repair, hum removal and precision spectral de-essing. New in Version 7 is the implementation of Artificial Intelligence that allows for the introduction of exciting new features, including automatic pattern detection, clip repair, unmixing tracks to stems as well as unmixing stems to component parts. SpectraLayers offers a novel approach to precise audio editing by visualizing audio in the spectral domain (in 2D and 3D) and providing an array of powerful tools to manipulate its spectral data in many different ways. Further improvements including customizable UI luminosity, a playback VU meter, rapid tool toggling, the ability to render a selected layer directly, and much more.VST 3 plug-in support on a per-layer basis, in both standalone and ARA modes.Improved ARA 2 layer management creates new layers in the ARA environment.Improved Playback tool and Transform tool now featuring a new Transform Selection mode.Repair processes including AI-powered Click repair and Hum reduction (Pro and Elements) as well as Clip repair and improved Healing (Pro only).Voice Denoiser to recognize and isolate the human voice and then attenuate everything but the voice for maximum intelligibility (Pro only).

Pattern finder to select a target sound and then automatically locate and select every other similar sound in the spectrum (Pro only).Unmix components to deconstruct stems into tone, noise and transient component layers.Unmix tracks to stems to extract the different instruments to separate layers, such as vocals, piano, bass, drums, and more.New Artificial Intelligence algorithms that can sense discrete events in a sound field and isolate them on independent, colorful layers for processing.The seventh version of Steinberg’s SpectraLayers focuses on enhancing its powerful toolset by adding automatic processes through new Artificial Intelligence algorithms. Pricing and Availability State-of-the-Art Spectral Editing with New SpectraLayers 7.State-of-the-Art Spectral Editing with New SpectraLayers 7.