Signal-Server is entirely written in Java source code is available at the following URL. It manages the registration of new accounts, stores and distributes the public keys of the clients, relays and temporarily stores the end-to end encrypted messages, enforces rate limits in order to avoid denial of service attacks and provides pre-signed URLs to the mobile client for uploading files. System components Signal-Server – is the central element of the Signal Messenger ecosystem, being constantly developed by Open Whisper Systems. In the following sections I will provide some information about the system components and their interconnections.

The source code is available on GitHub () only for audition purposes without providing additional documentation about on premises installations. The main system component is the Signal-Server which is maintained by Open Whisper Systems. For user identification standard cellular mobile numbers are used.

It uses the TCP/IP (Internet) to send one-to-one and group messages, which can include text, files, voice notes, images and videos, and make one-to-one voice and video calls. Introduction Signal is an end-to-end encrypted communications application for Android and iOS similar to WhatsApp but open source.